Substitute for chlorine, safe and highly effective.
It makes water drinkable by eliminating bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoan parasites in a few seconds.
Municipal drinking water, sewage, industrial water, odor and taste control, food and beverages, oil industry.
Alp Lab
Formula that provides the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary to restore the vigor of sick or weak animals. Its presentation in the form of soluble powder makes it extremely easy to use, allowing the user to administer the product according to each circumstance (for aquatic animals, at certain doses, during certain days, etc.)
Ideal against gregarines.
It is an excellent promoter of productions that improve the digestibility of the food, enhancing the absorption of nutrients and regulating the intestinal flora.
It has great antibacterial capacity; especially against vibrio, coliforms, and salmonella. Thanks to the synergistic effect of cinnamaldehyde and organic acid, when acting in combination, achieve a much greater effect than the sum of their individual effects.
Aquaculture Fordex
It is a highly concentrated non-antibiotic bactericide and fungicide, indicated for the treatment of highly contaminated balanced food and animal (fish, meat, etc.) or to avoid their contamination. It can be added directly to balanced food or to the digester in the case of contaminated flours. The addition of the product in the digester or in the mixer creates an acidic environment inside the same that favors the sterilization process of flours or balanced food, in addition to protecting it from future recontamination.
Biosolve AFC
Foaming acid cleaner for use in PH rotation programs in shrimp farms, larval laboratories, process plants, and packing houses (walls, floors, ceilings, counters, and surroundings) used in the aquaculture industry.
Removes mineral plaque, detergent residue and other elements left behind from repeated use of alkaline cleaners.
Biosolve HD-CL
Concentrated cleaner for heavy cleaning in shrimp farms, larval laboratories, process plants, and packing houses (walls, floors, ceilings, counters, and surroundings) used in the aquaculture industry.
Removes organic dirt, grease and protein residue in all stages of production.
Biosolve Plus
Powerful alkaline cleaner concentrate for heavy cleaning.
Excellent degreasing properties.
For use in shrimp farms, larval laboratories, process plants, and packing houses (walls, floors, ceilings, countertops, and surroundings) used in the aquaculture industry.
Contains all major elements and micronutrients to maintain the optimal range of alkalinity and resistance.
The technology used for the processing of all ingredients allows to use small doses, increase bioavailability and avoid encrusting during application.
Cinaform AC
It is a preservative that acts effectively against fungi and bacteria, thanks to the synergistic combination with cinnamaldehyde, extending its sanitizing action throughout the digestive tract of the animal.
Cinnamaldehyde acts in turn by inhibiting the corrosive effects of propionic acid, improving the palatability and digestibility of the food, enhancing the absorption of nutrients, and regulating the intestinal flora. That is why it is also an excellent stimulant for productions.
Citrinal Hidrofob
Stimulates the immune system.
Broad spectrum bactericide and fungicide; at the level of the intestinal tract, hemolymph and hepatopancreas.
It improves the absorption of antibiotics in “medicated” diets.
Boosts the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
Protects and preserves unconsumed balanced food from bacterial and fungal action.
Citrinal Lab
Designated to maintain a stable PH. The same one that allows adequate food consumption, causes a molt and normal shrimp growth, obtaining excellent larvae motility.